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戴春林圓盒散粉 (淨含量:12g)
隱形毛孔兼且真正收細毛孔, 細膩薄貼柔滑、輕盈通透、不堵塞毛孔,定妝持久不脫妝、不浮粉、不卡粉,自然膚色,遮瑕清如雲紗。
清爽、長效控油、無負擔 ,養膚透氣,讓皮膚呼吸自如,不會焗出暗粒,潤澤粉滑。
精選成分: 原粉精篩細膩、護養肌膚, 添加茯苓、杏仁油、玫瑰花水、透明質酸鈉、綠豆、等多種植物提取物 粉質細膩、柔滑,隱匿毛孔,持久防汗,打造自然透明零妝感 


外盒設計: 戴春林香粉包裝,以花作為主題,外盒精緻,加厚絲絨粉撲,旋蓋內置妝鏡,附送戴春林精美輕便小圓鏡及替換粉撲。

[玫瑰-馥郁玫香 嫵媚動人]
傳統中國香! 軟糯清新,舒心治愈,就連指尖穿過髮絲也變得香薰薰
[荷花-清荷暗香 凌波仙子] 
凌波仙子靜中芳, 也帶酣紅學醉妝。
有意十分開曉露, 無情一餉斂斜陽。
荷風送香氣,竹露滴清響。荷花總是出現在文人墨客的詩畫裡,對荷有一份獨特的喜愛。清風竹葉,清荷暗香。清雅 潔淨的荷花香在空氣中彌散開,一種充滿意境的東方靈性美。溫柔沉穩,清冽,靜謐,乾淨, 柔和還有一種清冷傲氣,恰到好處的舒適。
[梅花- 清冷幽梅 暗香疏影] 
眾芳搖落獨暄妍, 佔盡風情向小園。
疏影橫斜水清淺, 暗香浮動月黃昏。 

戴春林圓盒散粉 (12g)

  • Dai Chun Lin Round Compact Powder (Net Weight: 12g)

    This invisible pore-minimizing powder is delicately thin, smooth, lightweight, and non-comedogenic. It sets makeup in place with long-lasting, non-cakey, non-powdery, and natural coverage.

    It provides a refreshing, long-lasting oil-control effect without burdening the skin. It allows the skin to breathe freely, preventing the formation of blemishes and maintaining a smooth, moisturized texture.

    Key Ingredients: Finely-milled original powder for skin nourishment, combined with extracts of Poria cocos, almond oil, rosewater, sodium hyaluronate, mung bean, and other plant extracts. The powder is fine, smooth, and conceals pores while providing long-lasting sweat resistance, creating a natural and transparent makeup-free look.

    Packaging: Designed with Dai Chun Lin's signature theme of flowers, the outer box is exquisite. The thick velvet powder puff is included, and there is a built-in mirror under the twist-off lid. Also included are a compact and replaceable powder puff from Dai Chun Lin.

    Three fragrances of choice: Rose, Lotus, Plum Blossom

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