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!窈窕!好味!養生!黑芝麻自古以來被譽為『仙家食品』, 李時珍《本草綱目》稱:「服黑芝麻百日能除一切痼疾。一年身面光澤不飢,二年白髮返黑,三年齒落更出」




現代營養學分析,黑芝麻含脂肪油約60%,當中含油酸、甘油酸、棕櫚酸、花生酸、煙酸等。但脂肪酸比例極優良。它的多元不飽和脂肪酸約佔45%﹐單元不飽和脂肪酸約佔40%﹐飽和脂肪酸只佔10%。戴春林黑芝麻丸含不飽和脂肪達96.4% ! 黑芝麻最主要的脂肪酸是亞麻油酸﹐這是一種人體不可缺少的必需脂肪酸﹐缺乏就會讓體內某些荷爾蒙無法正常地製造。亞麻油酸能幫助產婦子宮收縮﹐排除惡露。



黑芝麻亦含有葉酸、煙酸、醣類、蛋白質, 粗纖維,豐富的維他命A, B, D, E與及鎂、鉀及多種微量礦物質,鈣含量更是眾多食物中之冠,是牛奶的鈣含量18倍。黑芝麻含有頭髮生長所需的必需脂肪酸﹑含硫氨基酸﹐與多種微量礦物質﹐所以可以令頭髮亮麗烏黑。



黑芝麻裏的蛋黃素,也是填補腦髓的營養素。黑芝麻裏的膽鹼與身體內的脂肪酸結合起來把脂肪酸也變成蛋黃素,自然也有補腦 、髓的效果。�菸鹼酸能安定神經,身體內缺乏菸鹼酸,神經也容易失常。只有常吃黑芝麻能滋補神經系統,對慢性消削性神經炎,及末梢神經麻痺性偏枯癱瘓,過敏性的神經疾患,視覺神經的缺乏都有補益。






九蒸九曬黑芝麻丸 Nine-steamed Nine-sun dried Black Sesame Pills

  • *** [Promotion] Non-members receive one free with the purchase of ten, while members receive two free with the purchase of ten. This offer can be combined with any Black Sesame Pills/Adzuki Bean and Coix Seed Pills, available for multiple separate pickups without time or frequency restrictions, ensuring freshness. Cannot be combined with other promotions. ***

    Each box contains 30 pills, meant to be consumed over 15 days, with each pill weighing three qian (approximately 10 grams).

    Rich in flavor and nutrition, black sesame has been praised as a "celestial food" since ancient times. Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" states that consuming black sesame for one hundred days can alleviate various ailments. The benefits span from skin radiance to preventing hair loss, promoting hair color reversal, blood enhancement, bone strengthening, brain nourishment, liver and kidney support, fat reduction, colon cleansing, cholesterol reduction, anti-aging, and longevity.

    "Black sesame is the best among all foods, but it's a pity that mortals don't consume it properly." Black sesame must undergo nine steaming and nine sun-drying cycles, followed by thorough pounding three hundred times, and then combined with honey to form each three qian (10g) pill. Savoring it slowly and thoughtfully enhances its effectiveness.

    The process of nine steaming and nine sun-drying is a complex method used in traditional herbal medicine.

    The higher the quality of black sesame, the richer its oil content. Black sesame oil is a source of multi- and mono-unsaturated fatty acids that support cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K. Similar oils include reishi spore oil and omega-3 fish oil.

    Dr. Johanna Budwig, who developed the Budwig Diet for cancer patients, discovered that all cancer patients lacked these unsaturated fatty acids. This underscores the importance of these fats in preventing inflammation and related diseases.

    Modern nutritional analysis shows that black sesame contains about 60% oil, consisting of oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and nicotinic acid. The ratio of fatty acids is outstanding, with about 45% polyunsaturated fatty acids, 40% monounsaturated fatty acids, and only 10% saturated fatty acids. Daichunlin Black Sesame Pills contain an impressive 96.4% unsaturated fatty acids. The primary fatty acid in black sesame is linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that the body cannot produce on its own and is crucial for hormone production.

    According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica," consuming black sesame for one hundred days can alleviate all ailments. This aligns with medical wisdom that inflammation underlies most diseases, and unsaturated fatty acids help prevent inflammation.

    "One year of radiant skin without hunger" speaks to the improved skin appearance due to the absorption-enhancing effects of black sesame oil on fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K. These vitamins respectively support skin, eye, bone, and cancer health.

    Daichunlin is the first in Hong Kong to offer "Nine Steams and Nine Sun-Dried Black Sesame Pills." Customers attest that they are the best, dissolving in the mouth and possessing a delightful texture. Devotees of fasting also note that Daichunlin's black sesame pills do not cause internal heat, indicating authentic preparation.

    Black sesame is sweet and neutral in nature, targeting the liver, kidney, and large intestine meridians. It nourishes the liver and kidneys, moistens the five viscera, nourishes blood and essence, moisturizes the intestines, and promotes lactation. It is used for dizziness, blurry vision due to insufficient liver and kidney essence, early greying of hair and beard, and dry intestines causing constipation due to blood and fluid deficiency.

    "Classic of the Materia Medica" states: "Treats deficiencies in the center with restoration to the five internal organs, enhances vitality, strengthens muscles, and nourishes the brain marrow."

    "Essentials of the Materia Medica" notes: "Nourishes the liver and kidneys, moisturizes the five viscera... clears vision, darkens hair, regulates the intestines... expels wind and dampness."

    Black sesame is also rich in folic acid, niacin, carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, abundant vitamins (A, B, D, E), as well as magnesium, potassium, and various trace minerals. Its calcium content outshines many other foods and is eighteen times that of milk. Black sesame also provides essential fatty acids for hair growth, sulfur amino acids, and diverse trace minerals, enhancing hair's luster and color.

    Among all foods, black sesame ranks highest in vitamin B1 content, exceeding even rice germ. Insufficient vitamin B1 can lead to incomplete carbohydrate metabolism and weight gain. Black sesame is an excellent source of vitamin B1, making it a healthy option for avoiding weight gain.

    Vitamin E in black sesame strengthens heart muscles and is vital for muscle development and recovery from fatigue. A deficiency poses a risk of muscle contractions. Maintaining strong muscles, including the heart muscle, is key to maintaining youth.

    Lecithin in black sesame supports brain nourishment. It combines with fatty acids in the body to form lecithin, benefiting brain and marrow health. Nicotinic acid helps stabilize the nervous system. A lack of nicotinic acid can lead to nervous system irregularities. Regular consumption of black sesame helps nourish the nervous system, benefiting conditions like chronic degenerative neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy, paralysis, allergic nerve disorders, and visual nerve deficiency.

    Typical plant seeds are rich in phosphorus but lacking in calcium. Black sesame is unique in containing both phosphorus and calcium, with a ratio of 40:1. Calcium is alkaline and phosphorus is acidic, making sesame alkaline in nature. Excess body acidity can be balanced by the calcium in black sesame. According to Clements, stomach ulcers are related to protein deficiency. Lack of protein can change the stomach lining, promoting bacterial growth and leading to ulcers. Rich in protein, black sesame helps combat ulcerative diseases. Nicotinic acid in black sesame also aids in digestion. Both nicotinic acid and vitamin B1 are important for skin health. A deficiency in vitamin B1 can lead to facial acne. A deficiency in nicotinic acid can cause skin inflammation upon exposure to sunlight and ulcers in non-sunlit areas. Habitual constipation can harm the liver and lead to rough and bumpy skin. Black sesame helps relieve constipation and nourishes the skin.

    The finest black sesame in all of Asia comes from China, specifically from Zhumadian in Henan province. This product is made using traditional methods with the highest quality black sesame. It only contains black sesame and honey, with no additives or preservatives. It has a shelf life of three months and can be pre-ordered.

    Ingredients: Black sesame, honey.

    No additives, no preservatives. Shelf life: three months (pre-orders welcome).

    Daichunlin Black Sesame Pills have been tested by the China Manufacturers Association Foundation and have passed inspections for nine types of residual pesticides, four heavy metals, and bacteria. They are safe, reliable, and hygienic.

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